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南京工业大学HSK4 模拟考试通知 Notice on HSK4 Mock Test

HSK4(机网考) 模拟考试时间:2021615上午10:00

HSK4网考) 模拟考试地点:南京工业大学江浦校区逸夫图书馆B楼计算中心310


1. 本次模拟考试针对报名参加我校考点2021619HSK4 考试的考生开设。

2. 请各考生携带本人护照等报名时提供的有效证件与准考证,戴好口罩,主动出示苏康码与15天行程轨迹

Internet-based HSK4 Mock Test Time: 10:00 on June, 15th , 2021

Internet-based HSK4 Mock Test Location: Room 310, Computer Center Building, BlockB of Yi Fu Library, Jiangpu Campus, Nanjing Tech University

Tips :  

1. This mock test is for the candidates who chose Nanjing Tech University as the test location of the HSK4 test on June, 19th of 2021.    

2. Please bring the valid document such as the passport and the Admission Ticket to attend the HSK4 mock test. Please keep wearing mask and offer your health QR code as well as 15-day -itinerary record .